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Indian Embassy assures safety of students in Kyrgyzstan

The Indian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan reassured that all Indian students in Bishkek are safe amidst recent incidents of mob violence involving Pakistani students and locals. The Embassy urged students to follow guidelines set by authorities and stay in touch with them. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar emphasized the importance of student safety and monitoring the situation. The violence led to injuries, including a fractured jawbone for a Pakistani citizen. Kyrgyzstan's Foreign Minister expressed concern over false information spreading in Pakistani media and highlighted the need for verified information to maintain diplomatic relations. A special flight carrying Pakistani citizens back home landed in Lahore, indicating efforts to address the situation. The Embassy continues to provide assistance and guidance to ensure the safety of Indian students in Kyrgyzstan. sources

May 19 2024, 10 pm

Pakistani City Ranked Second-Riskiest for Tourists

Karachi has been designated the second-riskiest city for tourists globally, with a score of 93.12 out of 100, as reported by Forbes Adviser. The city ranks just behind Caracas, Venezuela, which scored a perfect 100, while Yangon, Myanmar, follows in third place with 91.67. Karachi's high risk is attributed to significant concerns regarding personal security, encompassing crime, violence, and terrorist threats, as well as economic vulnerabilities. The US State Department has issued a level 3 travel advisory for the city, urging reconsideration of travel. Additionally, Karachi faces the fourth-highest infrastructure security risk among the assessed cities. The city's reputation for danger is not new; it has frequently appeared on lists of "unlivable" cities, including a 2017 ranking by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Recent violence in Karachi further underscores the city's precarious security situation, with five fatalities reported following a shooting incident. sources

Jul 27 2024, 9 am

180,000 Gazans Displaced in Four Days of Conflict

More than 180,000 Palestinians have been displaced in just four days due to intense fighting in the southern Gaza city of Khan Yunis, according to the United Nations. This surge in internal displacement follows an Israeli military operation aimed at recovering the bodies of captives taken during Hamas's October 7 attack, which sparked the ongoing conflict. The Israeli military has ordered evacuations in parts of Khan Yunis, stating its forces would conduct "forceful operations" in areas previously designated as safe zones. In the latest developments, Israel claims to have eliminated around 100 militants in the city and recovered five bodies from underground locations. As battles rage on, local hospitals report a rising death toll, with at least 39,175 Palestinians killed in Gaza since the conflict escalated. The UN notes that the vast majority of Gaza's 2.4 million residents have been displaced at least once during the hostilities. sources

Jul 27 2024, 9 am

Trump's Running Mate Stands by "Childless Cat Ladies" Comment

JD Vance, Donald Trump's running mate, has faced backlash for his 2021 comments referring to Democratic politicians as "childless cat ladies with miserable lives." Defending his remarks on The Megyn Kelly Show, Vance asserted that parenthood profoundly alters one’s perspective and criticized the Democratic Party for being "anti-family." His comments, which specifically targeted Vice President Kamala Harris, have been labeled sexist, especially as they come amid the upcoming US Presidential elections. Supporters of Harris, who has no biological children, have rallied against the attacks, highlighting that no US president has ever given birth. Kerstin Emhoff, Harris's stepchildren's mother, condemned the criticisms as "baseless," emphasizing Harris's role as a co-parent. Vance's controversial statements have intensified discussions around family values in the political arena, as Republicans anticipate a challenging electoral landscape following President Biden's decision to withdraw from the race. sources

Jul 27 2024, 9 am

Top 1% Wealth Increased by $42 Trillion in 10 Years

A new report by Oxfam reveals that the world's richest 1% have amassed $42 trillion over the past decade, a staggering increase of nearly $400,000 per person, significantly outpacing the $335 increase for the bottom half of the global population. This analysis, released ahead of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Brazil, highlights growing inequality, with Oxfam's Head of Inequality Policy, Max Lawson, stating that governments have failed to address its "catastrophic effects." The report notes that the income share of the top 1% in G20 nations has risen by 45% over 40 years, while tax rates for the ultra-wealthy have been slashed. Oxfam is calling for increased taxation on billionaires, suggesting that a minimum 2% tax could generate up to $250 billion annually. As G20 leaders convene, the pressure mounts to prioritize equitable policies over the interests of the elite. sources

Jul 27 2024, 9 am

FBI Confirms Trump Targeted in Assassination Attempt

The FBI confirmed on Friday that former President Donald Trump was indeed struck by a bullet during an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on July 13, dispelling earlier doubts regarding the nature of his injury. The agency's statement clarified that Trump's right ear, which was bloodied during the incident, was hit by a bullet, whether intact or fragmented. The attack involved a gunman firing eight rounds from outside the event's security perimeter, resulting in injuries to two attendees and the death of a 50-year-old firefighter. Following the FBI's announcement, Trump, who has long claimed the agency is part of a "deep state" conspiracy against him, expressed acceptance of what he termed an apology from FBI Director Christopher Wray. In his campaign rhetoric, Trump has emphasized the attack, portraying himself as a defender of democracy, while rally attendees have begun wearing bandages on their right ears in solidarity. sources

Jul 27 2024, 8 am

Indian Scammed by Job Promise in Saudi, Embassy Reports

The Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia confirmed the safe return of Veerendra Kumar, an Indian national from Andhra Pradesh, who was duped by a job agent promising employment in Qatar but instead sent him to Saudi Arabia. Following a plea for help that garnered attention, the embassy expressed gratitude to community volunteers who assisted in facilitating his return. Kumar had reportedly been forced to work as a herder in the desert after being misled by the agent. His plight was also highlighted by Telugu Desam Party leader Nara Lokesh, who vowed to ensure his safe return. On Friday, Kumar arrived at Hyderabad's international airport to reunite with his family, marking the end of his distressing ordeal. sources

Jul 26 2024, 11 pm

Israel Prepares for Major Offensive Against Hezbollah

The Israeli military is gearing up for a "decisive offensive" against Hezbollah in Lebanon, following months of intense cross-border clashes that escalated after Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7. Major General Ori Gordin, Israel's northern commander, announced that Israeli forces have killed over 500 militants, predominantly from Hezbollah, amidst a conflict that has claimed at least 523 lives in Lebanon, including 342 Hezbollah operatives and 104 civilians. In northern Israel, the violence has resulted in the deaths of at least 18 soldiers and 13 civilians. The ongoing exchanges of fire have primarily affected border areas, displacing tens of thousands on both sides. Gordin emphasized that preparations are underway for a significant offensive, with Israel seeking to enforce UN Security Council resolutions aimed at reducing Hezbollah's presence in southern Lebanon. The situation raises concerns of a broader conflict reminiscent of the 2006 war between the two adversaries. sources

Jul 26 2024, 11 pm

Kremlin Aims to Address Russia's Low Birth Rate Crisis

The Kremlin has acknowledged the urgent need to address Russia's declining birth rates, which it describes as "disastrous" for the nation's future. Spokesman Dmitry Peskov highlighted that the current fertility rate stands at a "terribly low" 1.4 births per woman, comparable to that of several European nations and Japan. This demographic crisis is exacerbated by an ageing population, high mortality rates, and significant emigration, particularly among men due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Since the Soviet Union's collapse, Russia's population has decreased from approximately 148 million to around 144 million, with projections indicating a potential drop to 130 million by the 2040s. Peskov emphasized that large families are heroic and reiterated the government's commitment to reversing this trend, citing it as a top priority for President Vladimir Putin, despite ongoing challenges such as Covid-related deaths and low migration rates. sources

Jul 26 2024, 11 pm

EU Acts Against France, 5 Nations for Budget Violations

The European Union has initiated formal proceedings against France, Italy, and five other member states for breaching its budget rules, potentially leading to significant penalties. The Council of the EU announced the existence of excessive deficits for Belgium, France, Italy, Hungary, Malta, Poland, and Slovakia, all of which reported deficits exceeding the 3% of GDP limit. France's deficit stands at 5.5% amid political instability following a recent leftwing electoral victory that favors increased public spending. Other countries with high deficit ratios include Italy at 7.4% and Hungary at 6.7%. As part of the "excessive deficit procedure," these nations must submit medium-term plans by September to address their financial shortfalls, with assessments from the European Commission due in November. This marks the EU's first enforcement action since suspending budget rules during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent energy crisis, despite a historical reluctance to impose fines. sources

Jul 27 2024, 12 am

Man Convicted After Woman Dies at UK Slapping Therapy Workshop

Hongchi Xiao, a 60-year-old alternative healer from California, has been found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence following the death of 71-year-old Danielle Carr-Gomm at a "slapping therapy" workshop in the UK. The trial, held in Winchester, revealed that Carr-Gomm, who had diabetes and was attending the workshop to manage her condition, succumbed to diabetic ketoacidosis after failing to receive timely medical assistance. Prosecutors highlighted that Xiao, who was extradited from Australia, neglected his duty of care by not responding adequately to Carr-Gomm's medical crisis. Described as an advocate for holistic medicine, Carr-Gomm had struggled with insulin injections due to a fear of needles. The head of the Crown Prosecution's special crime division emphasized that Xiao's inaction significantly contributed to her death. He is scheduled for sentencing on October 1. sources

Jul 26 2024, 10 pm

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